“Dar Robinson, a legend in his own time.”

Dar atop the CN tower in Toronto Canada preparing for a 1200 foot plunge over the edge.
Ky has been writing a book about his life’s adventures. There are over 30 pages dedicated to his good friend Dar Robinson. This chapter tells about the behind the scenes of movie making and a look into the heart and sole of the world’s greatest stuntman. Dar lost his life doing what he loved and will be remembered for his most spectacular stunts.
…It all started in 1976, when Jin Diest introduced me to Dar Robinson, a well known motion picture stuntman. I’ll never forget the first time we met. We we in a restaurant in Canada and Dar started telling jokes. I knew the punchline to ever joke he told and vice versa. He didn’t like the fact that I was stealing his spotlight and I didn’t like him stealing mine. After that episode, it truly is a miracle that we ended up working together in the first place.
I’d heard of Dar, but never had an opportunity to meet him. Jim had apparently told Dar that if we ever had a chance to work together, we’d make one heck of a good team. I guess old jim really knew his stuff because as it turned out, we soon learned we had many, many things in common. The biggest thing is that we were both motivated and gave 110% effort towards everything we did. In order for us to get to know each other better. Dar flew up to Minnesota to go over some new stunt ideas. He told me that Jim had bragged to him about me for years, talking at great length about my engineering abilities and building talents. He went on to tell me he had a lot of spectacular stunts in mind, but that he needed apecial equipment to pull them off. He also said that he had no interest in doing stunts that everyone else was doing. He said, “From now on, I want every stunt I do to not only set new world records, but also put everyone watching totally on the edge of their seats.”…
Newspaper Articles on Dar